At Aurora, we believe that parents’ involvement in the school is an integral component in a child’s academic success, and can make a significant contribution to the development and learning process of the students. Parents are welcome to make appointments to visit the school and meet with teachers or management personnel to discuss any aspect of their child’s education. We also periodically survey parents on important issues to get their feedback or opinions on new initiatives or current services.

Our primary means of communication with parents on a regular basis is email. We also have an SMS/WhatsApp notification system in order to share notices, reminders and brief updates. We have set up an internal, password-protected e-portal on which important policies and forms, and other academic notices are posted for parents. And, we use Google Classroom to post homework for Elementary students. In addition, a regular newsletter and Yearbook for students serve as opportunities to summarize the events and achievements of the year, encapsulate memories, and share plans for the future.

We provide regular updates to parents, and also a term report. In March every year, Student-led Conferences are held. Formal parent-teacher meetings are held each term, and of course, we invite parents to various events throughout the school year.

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