We provide a comprehensive academic program that focuses on our core values.

How should we teach our children so that they are well-equipped to succeed in the future? An important part of our program is to ensure that students are given a voice and choice, so that they can take ownership over their own learning (student agency). The school’s academic program develops students who are:

We believe every child can be inspired towards learning. Every child has their own passion, interests and learning styles—by seeking these out and igniting them, we can foster a lifelong love of learning and true intellectual curiosity.

Our students do not shy away from intellectual challenges; they embrace difficult problems and conduct research, make connections and seek out creative ways to find solutions. Our students are inquirers, knowledgeable, analytical and reflective. We nurture multilingual students and encourage them to think critically and challenge assumptions. They balance multiple perspectives and apply what they have learned to solve new problems, both in a local and global context. They listen carefully and take part in inclusive dialogue in order to address community and global problems.

Our curriculum’s approach to mastering subject areas across a range of disciplines encourages children to delve deeper to develop conceptual understandings. Our goal is to not simply teach a curriculum, but to make the curriculum meaningful and relevant. And academic rigor is at the heart of our planning and assessment systems to ensure they excel in school, and in their lives thereafter.

If we are to fulfill our mission of educating young people who contribute meaningfully to global society, then we have to instill in them the values, principles and good character to do so. We believe that a few key habits of mind should be inculcated in students from an early age so that they grow up to be principled and balanced individuals.

At Aurora, our students develop the following healthy habits for life: