Scholastica Announcements
Admission Announcement:
Admission for the 2025-2026 session is now open for our Mirpur, Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Banani and Uttara campuses.
CAIE O' Level and
A' Level Results 2024
Feb 21: Wazi Tausif Shayan, from Nursery, Junior Campus Uttara attended “International Mother Language Day Skateathon- 2025” and completed 21.1km marathon.
Feb 14: Mst Samiha Mou, from KG II, Junior Campus Uttara obtained Third position in Junior Level 2 at the 17th ALOHA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic National Level Competition.
Feb 8: Ali Farzad Islam Lazim (Class V), from Senior Campus Uttara became Champion at the 1st CA Bangladesh Cup Golf Tournament, organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB).
Jan 31: Farhina Lamisa Farha, from Class IV, Senior Campus Uttara, won Second place in Painting at the বাংলা আমার জাতীয় সাংস্কৃতিক প্রতিযোগিতা, organized by ShilpaKala Academy.
Jan 25: Aara Siddique, from Class I, Junior Campus Banani secured the First position in the GlenQuest Math Competition, organized by Glenrich International School.
Jan 25: Arish Bin Hossain, from Class II, Junior Campus Gulshan has secured the second position in the GlenQuest Olympiad, organized by Glenrich International School.
Jan 20: Priyanti Das, from Class VII, Senior Campus Uttara, earned a Silver Medal at the 26th International Robot Olympiad in South Korea, organized by Busan Exhibition and Convention Centre (BEXCO) in Busan, South Korea.
Jan 18: Syed Izaan Ibrahim, from KG II, Junior Campus Uttara obtained the Third position in the Mathematics Olympiad at the “GlenQuest Olympiad”.
Jan 18: Liyana Rukayat Ahsan, from KG II, Junior Campus Uttara obtained the Third position in the English Olympiad at the “GlenQuest Olympiad”.
Jan 18: Raidah Ali Arya (Class VI) from Senior Campus Mirpur won the Medal of Excellence in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad and Gold Medals in the International Math Olympiad, organized by Knowledge World.
Dec: Aayan Mahmud (Class X) and Jonathan Seraph Patwary (Class VIII) both from Senior Campus Mirpur earned top positions in the English Medium Math Olympiad, organized by Academia.
Dec: Bareerah Mostakhar, from Class VI, Senior Campus Mirpur, was crowned Champion at the Bangladesh National Girls Math Olympiad organized by the Gonitkonya committee at Brac University.
Dec: Mashia Jannat Khan, from Class I, Senior Campus Mirpur, ranked 5th in the English Medium Math Olympiad, Organized by Academia.
Dec: From Senior Campus Uttara, Hafsa Bynte Noor Ariba (Class VI) and Ali Anas Ahmed (Class VII) secured top positions at the 11th English Medium Math Olympiad, organized by Academia.
Dec 16: Wafa Binta Omar, from Class IV, Senior Campus Uttara, won a Silver Medal in Taekwondo at the Bangladesh Taekwondo Federation competition.
Dec: Ahmed Abdullah Raazik Khan, from Class I, Senior Campus Mirpur, earned top honors in the International English Olympiad and National IQ Olympiad, with Gold Medals and Zonal rankings, organized by Science Olympiad Foundation.
Nov 10: Abdullah As Shayaan of Class V, Mirpur Campus achieved 107th place globally and won third place nationally in the Live MCL Mental Math Olympiad!
Nov 7: Class XI students from Senior Campus Uttara won the first place in the senior category at the STEAM Carnival.
Sep 13-Nov 3: Farhina Lamisa, a Class IV student, from Senior Campus Uttara, showcased her artwork at the 45th International Fine Arts Competition in Poland.
Oct 25: Nafiz Muhtasin from Class X of Senior Campus Uttara secured 1st place in the Psychological Debate at Psych Fest 2024.
Sep 29: Bareerah Mostakhar, from Class VI, Mirpur Campus earned the first runner-up award at the Banglar Math Team Championship hosted by Southeast University.
Sep 27: Hafsa Bynte Noor Ariba from Class VI of Senior Campus Uttara earned a Merit Award at the Banglar Math Team Championship 2024.
Sep 15: Students from the Mirpur Campus, Ahmed Abdullah Raazik Khan ( Class I) and Mohammad Tashfin Ahsan (Class III) excelled in the Live Mental Math World Cup 2024.
Sep 7: Ahmed Abdullah Raazik Khan, from Class I, Mirpur Campus won the Silver Medal in the International Spell Bee 2024 organized by GEMA, Dubai.
Sep 7: Rimin Hossain from Class V, Mirpur Campus received an award for being one of the winners of the International Poster Making Contest 2024 held in Dubai, organized by GEMA.
July 20: Bareerah Mostakhar and Zara Jemimah Hossain, from Class VI, Mirpur Campus and Ayaan Ibne Shams, from Class VII, Senior Campus Uttara became the First, Second and Third Runners-Up at the ALOHA International Mental Math Competition in Madrid, Spain.
July 20: Parisa Hossain, from Class VII, Mirpur Campus became the Third Runner-Up at the ALOHA International Competition 2024, which was held in Madrid, Spain.
July 13: Ahmed Abdullah Raazik Khan, from Class I, Mirpur Campus secured the 3rd Position in the Glenquest English Olympiad organized by Glenrich International School.
July 4: Ahmed Abdullah Raazik Khan, Class I, from the Mirpur Campus and Zaref Sadab Auvro, Class II, from the Senior Campus Uttara won the National Spelling Bee competition organized by Bangladesh IQ Olympiad.
To view the announcements during 2023-2024 please click here
May 26: Parisa Hossain, from Class VII, Mirpur Campus received a Bronze Medal in the KATA Tournament 2024 (Teen and Adult Category) at the Black Belt Academy.
Apr 27: Bareerah Mostakhar, of Class V from Mirpur Campus became the Champion in the Math Olympiad and IQ Olympiad at Notre Dame College Math Festival.
Mar 26: Zaina Israt Azmi, of Class III, Senior Campus, Mirpur received the Gold Medal in the Independence Day Taekwondo Championship 2024.
Mar 17: Ahnaf Ramin, from KG II, Mirpur Campus, won first place in the painting competition, organized by the Chittagong Association.
Mar 16: Sanika Naznine, from Class XI, Senior Campus Uttara won the second position in an art competition organized by World Health Organization (WHO) titled "My Health My Rights".
Mar 8-9: The Under-19 Boys team of the Mirpur Campus became Runners-Up in the Sir John Wilson School Cricket Tournament 2024.
Mar 2: Rezwanul Karim, Mohammad Nafiz Hossain of Class IX and Zaira Rahman of Class VI from the Mirpur Campus secured the 1st position as a team, at the Silicon Shuffle segment, organized by the International Global Affairs Council.
Mar 2: Wafi Marzouq Mohammad of Class XI from the Mirpur Campus became the Champion at the Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad 2024 in the Higher-Secondary Category held at St. Joseph Higher Secondary School.
Mar 2: Tahmid Faiyaz of Class IX from the Mirpur Campus was awarded with the Bronze Medal in the Folk Song category at the 13th Inter-School Bangla Olympiad, organized by the International Hope School, Bangladesh.
Feb 24: Sheikh Anayah Zafree, of Class I and Ridwan Mursaleen, of Class II, from Mirpur Campus secured the 3rd Runner-Up positions in the ALOHA Bangladesh Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Competition 2024.
Feb 23: Mostafa Amir Fahad Niloy of Class I from the Junior Campus of Uttara became the Champion in Junior Level 6 at the 16th ALOHA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic National Level Competition.
Feb 16: Md. Rahim Hasan, a student of Class IX of the Senior Campus Uttara, became the First-Runner Up in the Bangladesh National Math Olympiad Regional Round on 16 February at the Ideal School and College, Banasree.
Feb 13: The Scholastica Senior Campus Uttara team were awarded the First and Second prizes in the DPS STEAM Carnival 2024 organized by DPS STS school.
Feb 10: Bareerah Mostakhar, a student of Class V from the Mirpur Campus became the Champion at the 11th Math Fest 2024 held at Muhammadpur Girls High School, along with the Inter Math Fest by Tems Academy of Olympiad Math.
Jan 30: Nuzhat Tashfia and Taybah Tasneem, students of Class IX and XII, Mirpur Campus secured the 3rd positions in the singing and recitation categories at the London-Bangla Book Fair Literary and Cultural Festival.
Dec 29: Ahmed Abdullah Raazik Khan, KG II, Mirpur Campus was awarded the Crest of Merit and Medal of Honor in “The Bangladesh National IQ Olympiad 2023” organized by Brainex Limited.
Dec 15: Aisha Anabia, KG II, Junior Campus Uttara (Sector 3) received a gold medal in the 53rd International Children’s Art Exhibition 2023, organized by the Foundation for Art Education, Japan.
Dec 2: Three students from Gulshan campus received awards in the Art competition ‘Little Artist 5’ organized by Abinta Gallery of Fine Arts.
Nov 18: Three students from Banani campus received awards in the Art competition ‘Little Artist 5’ organized by Abinta Gallery of Fine Arts.
Nov 1: Abrar Tazwar Bin Amin, a student of Class IV from the Mirpur Campus secured the 2nd place in the 10th English Medium Math Olympiad 2023, organized by Academia School.
Oct 26-30: The Under-19 Girls team of the Senior Campus Uttara became Champions in the Fourth NAC Memorial Cup (Interschool Football Tournament) organized by BIT School.
Oct 26: From Senior Campus Uttara, Sushmeet Zaman of Class IX became the Champion, Abdullah Al-Nuzayer of Class XII became the Runner Up and Jamil Farhan Sakief of Class XI secured the 2nd Runners Up position at the 77th UN Day by hosting the Intra School Quiz Competition.
Oct 19: Elma Tabassum, a student of Class XII of the Senior Campus Uttara and Wasiq Ahnaf Chowdhury, a student of Class X from the Mirpur Campus, won Silver awards for her exceptional performance in The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2023 organized by the Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS).
Oct 13: Arshad Zeaul Howlader of Class VIII of Senior Campus Mirpur was awarded a gold medal in the KUMITE -65 weight category under-13 and another gold medal in the KATA under-18 category in the 36th Anniversary Karate Competition of Pappuraz Karate Academy.
Oct 7-9: At the Scholastica Intra Debate Tournament, Team TAN and Team ZEAL from the Scholastica Debate Club of the Senior Campus Uttara became the Champions and Runners Up, respectively.
Oct 7: Madeeha Sherin Chowdhury, Class IV student of Dhanmondi, obtained Third Prize under Category B for ‘Patriotic song’ in the Annual Interschool Cultural Festival 2023, organized by Ideal International School and College.
Sep 30: Kashmira Mehveen, of Nursery from the Junior Campus Gulshan, bagged the Bronze Award in both Math and English at the BRAC Kumon ASHR 2023. It recognizes students as advancing beyond the school grade level.
Sep 30: Mahparah Binte Moien, of Class I of the Junior Campus Uttara, Sector-3, was given a Gold Award in English (for advancing beyond her school grade level by 3 years) and Bronze Award in Math (for advancing beyond her school grade level by 1 year) at the BRAC Kumon ASHR 2023.
Sep 30:
Yasmeen Murshed, Founding Chairperson of Scholastica was honored as a torchbearer of English medium education in Bangladesh. This event was organized by WINGS and was featured in the online version of The Daily Star.
Sep 25: Zaynab Zoha Ahmed, a student of Class III from the Senior Campus, Uttara, secured the Second place at the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition in South Korea.
Sep 17: Sarfaraz Shafi, Shihan Mohan, Araf Rashid Yashfi, from Class I, Abdullah As Shayaan and Samin Sohail Ariq from Class IV, and Nameera Khan from Class III received the Country Topper Awards in the Mental Math World Cup, 2023
Sep 17: Anurup Das, a student of Class X of the Senior Campus Uttara has been awarded the Country Topper Award and World Ranking - 27 in the Mental Math World Cup 2023.
Sep 16: Scholastica students received awards at the Sunnydale Science and Math Fest.
Sep 15-16: Sahitto Sarker, a student of Class VIII of the Senior Campus Mirpur secured the 3rd position in the category Under-14, at the Elegant Standard Chess Tournament.
Sep 7-9: Scholastica Boys Under-19 Volleyball team of Senior Campus Uttara became the champions in the Scholastica Interschool Volleyball Tournament 2023-24 (SIVT) hosted by Scholastica Senior Campus Uttara.
CAIE O' Level and
A' Level Results 2023
Aug 28: Mohammad Tashfin Ahsan, a student of Class II from the Mirpur Campus, secured Rank 2 in Bangladesh with grade A+ in the Challenger Category in the Live Mental Math World Cup Competition 2023. Among 7,000 participants from 54 countries, he ranked 67 internationally.
Aug 28: Raidah Ali Arya, a student of Class VI of the Senior Campus Mirpur, secured the 2nd place in Bangladesh and ranked 117 internationally in the Live Mental Math World Cup Competition 2023.
Aug 26: Mubashira Islam Pritha from Class VIII, Senior Campus Mirpur achieved the second position in the 14–16 Age Group category in an essay writing competition on ‘Green Bangladesh: Safe & Smart Bangladesh’ held at the Universal College Bangladesh, Gulshan Campus.
Aug 7: Utsob Sarker and Wasif Ihsan from Class XII, Taybah Tasneem and Syeda Anisha Haq from Class XI, and Nafiz Hossain from Class IX from the Senior Campus Mirpur won the National Award in the British Council ‘Your World’ video competition.
Jul 30: Rashid Mutaraddid Kabir, of Class VII, of the Senior Campus Uttara secured the 1st Runners Up position in the Aloha International Competition on Mental Arithmetic held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Jul 30: Mashrur Ul Monsur, a student of Class VII of the Senior Campus Mirpur, secured the 3rd runner-up position in the senior level 8 ALOHA International Mental Arithmetic Competition, held in Kualalampur, Malaysia.
Jul 30: Ali Anas Ahmed, Class VI, Hafsa Bynte Noor Ariba, Class V and Rashid Mutaraddid Kabir, Class VII of the Senior Campus Uttara, became the First Runners Up in the ALOHA Mental Arithmetic International Competition, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Jul 29: Raidah Ali Arya, a student of Class V from the Senior Campus Mirpur received a gold medal and a certificate of merit for securing the first position globally in the International Conquest IQ Olympiad.
Jul 28: Aparup Das and Anurup Das, students of Classes IX and X, from the Senior Campus Uttara, won Medals at the International Mathematics Olympiad 2022 organized by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), India. Anurup also won a Gold Medal in the International AI Olympiad 2022. The prize giving ceremonies of both of these competitions were held in 2023 at B. H. Khan School and College.
Jul 19: On 19 July, Tavisha Tanaz Jung of Class VI of the Senior Campus Mirpur achieved the second position in the “You cCan” Bangla Poetry Recitation Competition held to celebrate the Noorjahan Begum Medal Award, organized and hosted by Bangladesh Women Writers Society and Shilpakala Academy, respectively.
Jul 15: Ali Farzad Islam Lazim, a student of Class IV of the Senior Campus Uttara became the Champion in the Sub Junior category of the 1st National life Insurance Golf Tournament 2023 organized by the Jashore Golf and Country Club.
To view the announcements during 2022-2023 please click here
May 19: Aurgho Chakraborty from KG II of the Junior Campus Gulshan, participated in an art competition on 19 May, organized by Bangladesh Forest Department on the occasion of International Geography Day.
Mar 18: Rumaisa Rudmila of Class IX of the Senior Campus Uttara won the 3rd position in Essay writing in Group B, organized by International Hope School Bangladesh.
Mar 18: Adrito Prohor and Gargee Tanushree Paul, students of Class VIII of the Senior Campus Mirpur, won the Silver and Bronze medals in the categories of essay writing and extempore speech respectively in the 12th Bangla Olympiad hosted by International Hope School.
Mar 17: Rayan Sharif of Class IV from the Senior Campus Uttara won Second Position in the Art Competition organized by Sonali Bank Limited to celebrate the 103rd Birthday of the Father of the Nation and National Children's Day.
Mar 10-11: Aynun Nishat Ferozi, Zarin Ar Nahian and Faiza Lamisa students of Class VIII of the Senior Campus Uttara won trophies for "4th Overall Champion’s Team" and "2nd Place Debate Team in the World Scholar’s Cup 2023 in the Dhaka Round, organized by International Hope School. They have qualified for the Global Round that is to be held in Doha, London and Seoul.
Mar 5: Priyanti Das of Class V of the Senior Campus Uttara won the 3rd Position in the Bangladesh Junior Science Olympiad (BdJSO) organized by Maksudul Alam Science Lab (MASlAB).
Mar 3: Rashidul Haque Wafee, student of Class IV of the Junior Campus, Dhanmondi, participated in the 7th National Space Carnival in Planetary Science Segment Olympiad under the Primary category, organized by Youthpreneure Network.
Feb 25-Mar 1: Nine students from the Senior Campus Mirpur participated and won awards in the International Talent Mathematics Contest 2023, hosted by Thai Talent Training and held in Bangkok, Thailand.
Feb 24-25: Ariana Wahid, a student of Class VII of the Senior Campus Mirpur has won the award of top novice speaker in WDA ORACLES 2023, a debate competition hosted by Sir John Wilson School.
Feb 24: Bareerah Mostakhar, student of Class IV from the Junior Campus, Dhanmondi, secured the Grand Champion's position in the ALOHA 15th National Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Competition.
Feb 24: Ali Anas of Class V of the Senior Campus Uttara became Champion in the ALOHA 15th National Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Competition 2023, held at the International Convention City Bashundhara. He has qualified for the International round to be held in Malaysia in July, this year.
Feb 24: Zara Jemimah Hossain of Class IV and Parisa Hossain Phoolpari of Class V from the Mirpur Campus became second Runners-up in the 15th ALOHA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic National Level Competition in ICCB, Dhaka.
Feb 24: Hafsa Bynte Noor Ariba, a student of Class IV from the Senior Campus Uttara, became the 1st Runner up in the ALOHA 15th National Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Competition 2023.
Feb 24: Mostafa Amir Fahad Niloy, a student of KG II of Junior Campus Uttara Sector-3, secured the Champion’s position in the Junior Level 2 of the 15th ALOHA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic National Level Competition.
Feb 23-25: In HSBC-Mayor’s Cup School Badminton 2023, Ifraz Sarzil Khan from Class IX got the Champion’s Award in the Boys’ Singles category and in Girls’ Doubles category, Syeda Raidah from Class XI and Rania Hamid from Class IX received the Runners-up trophy.
Feb 21: Wafa Binte Omar, Nudaira Ahmed and Satakshi Saha of Class II from the Junior Campus Gulshan became winners in the International Mother Language Day Febuary-2023 Children’s Competition, organized by Gulshan Society.
Feb 21: Taaibah Munawara Amin, a student of Class II of the Junior Campus Gulshan secured the 1st position in an art competition on the occasion of International Mother Language Day, arranged by Gulshan Club.
Feb 18: Suhana Zaheen, a student of Class IV of the Senior Campus Uttara secured the 1st position in Poetry Recitation and 2nd posiyion in the poster presentation competition in the Inter School Literature Festival.
Feb 17: Raidah Ali Arya, a student of Class IV of the Senior Campus Mirpur secured the Champion’s position, along with an Honorable Memorandum from Dr. M A Wazed Miah Memorial Foundation in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad.
Feb 17: Sadman Sakib Hrehan, a student of class VI in the Senior Campus Mirpur received an Honorable Memorandum from Dr. M. A. Wazed Miah Memorial Foundation.
Feb 11: Sadman Sakib Hrehan, a student of class VI in the Senior Campus Mirpur became the Champion in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad.
Feb 11: Nur Saad Ibney Azad Zarif, student of Class III of the Junior Campus, Dhanmondi, secured the First Position among 700 students, in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad 2022, National Round.
Feb 11: Ali Anas, of Class V of the Senior Campus Uttara became Champion in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad 2022, National round, held on 11 February at Tejgaon College.
Feb 11: Mashrur ul Monsur, a student of Class VI from the Senior Campus Mirpur became the Second Runners up in the 15th ALOHA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic National Level Competition, which was held in Dhaka at the ICCB. He has been selected for the International competition to be held in Malaysia in July.
Feb 11: Mashrur ul Monsur, a student of Class VI from the Senior Campus Mirpur secured the Champion position in the national level of the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad.
Feb 11: Hafsa Bynte Noor Ariba, a student of Class IV of the Senior Campus Uttara participated in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad 2022 National round and achieved the first position.
Jan 27: Shaira Kabir, a student of Class I of the Junior Campus Gulshan, achieved 1st position in Group Dance at the "International Mother Language day Childrens' Competition's", organized by Gulshan Society Lake Park.
Jan 20: Ali Anas of Class V from the Senior Campus Uttara secured 1st Position in the Regional Mathematical Olympiad 2023 organized by Dutch Bangla Bank and Prothom Alo at the Ideal School and College, Banasree.
Jan 14: Madeeha Sherin Chowdhury of Class III of the Junior Campus, Dhanmondi, won the 1st Prize in the category of ‘English Songs’ and the Second Prize in the category of ‘Western dance’ at the Annual Interschool Cultural Festival 2023 organized by St. Joseph’s Int. School.
Dec 28: Sanike Naznine of Class IX of the Senior Campus Uttara achieved the 1st Position in the World Mental Health Day Art Competition (Senior Category), organized by WHO.
Dec 18: Bareerah Mostakhar, a student of Class IV of the Junior Campus Dhanmondi, secured the Second Runner-up position in ALOHA Tiny Tots and Mental Arithmetic, 10th State Level Competition, held in NSRCC Auditoriam, Agartala, Tripura, India.
Sep 17: Zaheen A-Rahman, a student of Class XII, of the Senior Campus Uttara won the 1st Prize in the Quiz Competition for High school
and College students in the International Microorganism Day (IMD) 2022, organized by the Department of Microbiology, University of Dhaka in association with the Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists (BSM).
CAIE O' Level and
A' Level Results 2022
Aug 11 to 14: Nysa Nayeem Ahmad, a student of Class X, of the Senior Campus Mirpur participated in the Mastermind Model United Nations,
held in Dhaka and won the “Outstanding Delegate Award” among more than a hundred delegates.
Aug 10: Tavisha Tanaz Jung, a student of Class V, of the Senior Campus Mirpur
secured the second position in the Bangla Poetry Recitation Competition 2022, organized by MAFA (Mostafiz Academy of Fine Arts).
Aug 10: Hafsa Bynte Noor Ariba, student of Class IV of Senior Campus Uttara,
achieved the first position in the Bangla Poetry Recitation Competition 2022 organized by MAFA (Mostafiz Academy of Fine Arts).
The prize giving ceremony was held at Gallery Chitrak, Dhanmondi.
Aug 7: Nahian Mahzabeen, student of Class IX of Senior Campus Uttara,
was awarded champion at Teeneagles English Competition, 2022 held at Westminster University, London, UK. The prize giving ceremony
was held at Oxford University.
Aug 6: Pragya Saha, a student of Class VIII, of the Senior Campus Uttara,
was awarded a gold medal at Teeneagles English Competition, 2022, held at Westminster University, London, UK. The prize giving ceremony was held at Oxford University.
July 29: Taseen Zarif Zaman, a student of Class II, of the Junior Campus
Uttara became the Champion in the 14th ALOHA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic National Level Competition in Dhaka.
July 23: Zayena Farin Shahed and and Yasmeen Jahan of Class XI, of
the Senior Campus Uttara, became second runners up in a poster competition hosted by Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) at the University of Asia Pacific.
July 18: Fayyad Ahmmed, of Class- XI, of the Senior Campus Uttara
received a bronze medal and a certificate at the International Biology Olympiad held in Yerevan, Armenia.
July 5: Aynun Nishat Ferozi, Shejad Shaer Rashid and Arib Safir Jamil,
of Class VIII of Senior Campus Uttara were awarded gold medals in the categories of Science, Literature and Music, Social Studies,
History, Art and Collaborative Writing in the World Scholar’s Cup held at the International Hope School, Dhaka.
To view the announcements during 2021-2022 please click here
Apr 8: Md. Rahim Hasan, a student of Class VII of the Senior
Campus Uttara has won a silver medal in the CPS International IQ Olympiad.
Apr 8: Anurup Das of Class VIII, Senior Campus Uttara was
awarded Gold Medal in the International IQ Olympiad 2021, organized
by C.P.S Olympiads Foundation, India.
Apr 8: Ali Anas Ahmed of Class IV and Hafsa Binte Noor
of Class III, Junior Campus Dhanmondi won the Silver Medals in the
CPS International IQ Olympiad, India.
Mar 31: Ali Anas Ahmed, Class IV of Junior Campus Dhanmondi
secured 3rd position in the Visual Competition of UCMAS Bangladesh
National Competition 2021.
Mar 26: Shayal Adnan Mahmood of Class III, Junior Campus
Dhanmondi secured 2nd position in Group B in the Independence Day Art
Competition, organized by Genetic Group.
Mar 18: Shafin Autul Khan, Class III of Senior Campus
won Bronze Medal in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad 2021 organized by
Mar 18: Ali Anas Ahmed, Class IV and Hafsa Binte Noor
Class III of Junior Campus Dhanmondi won the Gold & Silver Medals
respectively in the Bangladesh National IQ Olympiad, 2021.
Mar 18: Aynun Nishat Ferozi and Aparup Das of Class VII of the Senior Campus Uttara got the first and third positions respectively in The Bangladesh IQ Olympiad 2021, organized by Brainex Limited.
Mar 17:Taaibah Munawara Amin of Class- I, Junior Campus Gulshan, secured the 3rd position in Ka group in an Art competition organized by Gulshan Club.
Mar 11: Aynun Nishat Ferozi of Class VII, Senior Campus Uttara became the Winner of both the Regional and Divisional rounds of Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad (Junior Category), 2022, organised by the Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad Committee (BdMOC), Prothom-Alo and Dutch Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL).
Mar 4 to 6: 47 delegates of Class VII to XII, Senior Campus Uttara participated in the DPS MUN organized by DPS STS School. 22 delegates were awarded in this program. The awards included Best Delegate award, Best Correspondent award, Outstanding Delegate award and Special Mention.
Feb 26: Suha Anadil Chowdhury and Sanika Naznine of Class IX, Senior Campus Uttara secured 1st and 2nd positions respectively in Singing Category (Group B) at 11th Online Bangla Olympiad 2022, organized by International Hope School, Bangladesh.
Feb 26: Afia Ibnat Halim of Class X, Senior Campus Uttara secured 1st position in Solo Dance Category (Group B) at 11th Online Bangla Olympiad 2022, organized by International Hope School, Bangladesh.
Feb 26: Sabiha Khan Zaraa of Class IV and Faizah Lamisa of Class VIII, Senior Campus Uttara secured 3rd positions in the Drawing Category (Group A and B respectively) at 11th online Bangla Olympiad 2022, organized by International Hope School, Bangladesh.
Feb 26: Priyanti Das of Class IV, Senior Campus Uttara attained first position in Group A in the 7th International Online Children Exhibition and Competition, 2022
Feb 22 to 26: Afia Ibnat Halim of Class X, Senior Campus Uttara, achieved 1st position in the Silver Jubilee and 7th National Cultural Jubilation 2022, organized by Notre Dame Cultural Club.
Feb 15: Shafin Autul Khan of Class III, Senior Campus
has won the Gold Medal in the International IQ Olympiad 2021
organized by C.P.S Olympiads Foundation, India.
Dec 29: Priyanti Das of Class IV, Senior Campus Uttara achieved the Creative Diamond Artist Certificate in Creative Brilliance 2021 Art Competition.
Sep 24 to Sep 25: SDC 1, a debate team from the Senior Campus Uttara, clinched the Championship trophy of BDC PRE-WORLDS 2021.
To view the announcements during 2020-2021 please click here
May 12: Nusaiba Nashita Rahman,of class VIII of the Senior Campus Mirpur,was declared a winner in category A, in the 11th National Physics Olympiad 2021.
Mar 26: Tashin Rahman Mahin, a student of Class III, of the Senior Campus Mirpur, was announced as a winner in “পতাকা উৎসব” organized by সিসিমপুর.
Feb 21 to Mar 10: Zahra Nabiha Mujtaba, a Class VI student
of the Senior Campus Uttara, became a winner in the Junior Category of the
Bangladesh Regional Mathematics Olympiad 2021.
Feb 21 to Mar 10: Aynun Nishat Ferozi, a student of Class VI of the Senior Campus Uttara, became a winner in the Junior Category of the Bangladesh Regional Mathematics Olympiad 2021.
Jan 28 to 30: Jamil Farhan Sakief, a student of Class VIII of the Senior Campus Uttara, secured the First position in two tournaments of the online event "Scholastica Interschool Mathematics Summit".
Dec 28: Saif Al Imam Shota, of Class XII of the Senior Campus Uttara became the first-ever GENIUS in Bangladesh in 'The Daily Star GENIUS', quiz competition.
Sep 18: The Novice Team of the Senior Campus Uttara Debate Club became the Novice Champions in the 'BDC Fempowerment' organized by the Bangladesh Debating Council.
Aug 5 to 7: The Math team of Senior Campus Mirpur became Champions in the "Scholastica International Mathematics Summit 2020" in the School Versus School Showdown segment, Junior Category.
To view the announcements during 2019-2020 please click here
Mar 5 to 7: U-14 Cricket Team of Senior Campus Mirpur became the Champions defeating Sunnydale School in the 'Bangabandhu Inter School Cricket Tournament 2020'.
Mar 5 to 7: U19 Cricket Team of the Senior Campus Uttara became Champions in the 'Bangabandhu Inter School Cricket Tournament 2020'.
Feb 29: Suha Anadil Chowdhury of Class VII, Senior Campus Uttara secured 2nd position in Group B Singing category in the 9th Bangla Olympiad organized by International Hope School.
Feb 29: Tasnim Hossain and Nelema Maharoj Simin of Class IX from Senior Campus Uttara become the Second Runners-Up in the ARCH FEST 2020 organized by North South University.
Feb 22: Midhat Fariza of Class II from Junior Campus, Uttara became the Champion in the International Singapore Mathematics Competition (ISMC).
Feb 22: Aynun Nishat Ferogi of Class V, Senior Campus Uttara became the 2nd Runners Up in the International Singapore Mathematics Competition organized by Singapore Math Dhaka.
Feb 20 to 21: The Scholastica U19 Cricket Team of Senior Campus, Uttara, became Champions in the CGS Annual Inter School Cricket Tournament 2020 held in Chattogram.
Feb 13 & 14: The Girls team, Senior Campus Mirpur became Champions at the Bangabandhu Interschool Handball Tournament 2020 in the Girls category.
Feb 7 to 11: 7 students from Senior Campus, Uttara won awards at the International Talent Mathematics Context 2020 held in Thailand.
Feb 7 & 8: Scholastica Model United Nations' Club of Senior Campus Uttara received Best Delegation Award in DPSMUN IV 2020 organized by DPS School.
Feb 7 & 8: U-19 Boys and Girls Volleyball teams of Senior Campus Uttara became Champions and Runners up in the 'Aga Khan Inter School Volleyball Tournament 2020'.
Feb 6 to 8: The Debate Club of Senior Campus Uttara became Runners Up in Sunnydale Rhetorics Tournament 2020.
February: Zawa Khan Athoi of Class IV, Senior Campus Mirpur achieved 3rd Position in the Drawing Category in the 9th Bangla Olympiad organized by International Hope School.
Jan 23 to 25: The Debate Club of the Senior Campus Uttara became Champions at The Aga Khan Interschool Debate Festival 2020.
Jan 17: Zaheen A Rahman, Class IX of Senior Campus, Uttara achieved first position in the first round of 10th Dutch Bangla Bank Prothom Alo Physics Olympiad.
Dec 4 to 7: Scholastica won awards in International World Unity and World Peace Festival, Confluence-2019 in India.
Nov 27 to 28: The Drama, Music and Dance Club of Junior Campus, Gulshan presented annual drama 'Amra Shobai Raja'.
Nov 7 to 9: U-19 Boys Football team of Senior Campus, Uttara became Champion in the Aga Khan Interschool Football Tournament 2019.
Nov 1 to 2: U-19 Boys Football team of Senior Campus, Uttara became Champion in the Pledge Harbor Interschool Football Tournament 2019.
Oct 31 to Nov 1: U-19 Boys and Girls Volleyball Teams of Senior Campus, Uttara became Champions in the Sr. Imelda 13th Memorial Inter School Volleyball Tournament 2019 organized
by SFX Greenherald school.
Oct 26: Students of Senior Campus, Mirpur received awards under various categories in the DPS Inter School Swimming Meet 2019.
Oct 24 to 25: Senior Campus, Uttara staged Annual Drama 'Damu'.
Oct 17 to 19: U-19 Boys Football team of Scholastica became champion in the Sunbeams Super Cup 2019.
Oct 17 to 18: Senior Campus, Mirpur staged Annual Drama 'The Greatest Showman'.
Oct 11 to 22: U-19 Boys Cricket team of Scholastica became champion in the English Medium School T20 Cricket Tournament 2019 organized by ULAB.
Oct 03 to 05: U-19 Football team of Scholastica became champion in the 7th Mother Euphrasie Interschool Football Tournament 2019.
Sept 27 to 28: U-19 Boys & Girls teams of Scholastica became Runners Up in the AISD Volleyball Tournament.
Sept 26 to 28: U-14 Girls team of Senior Campus, Uttara became Runners Up in the Scholastica Interschool Basketball Tournament (SIBT).
Sept 20 to 28: Drama Club of Scholastica staged the play 'Gorto' in 14th National Theater and Cultural Festival.
Sept 19 to 24: U-14 Boys team of Scholastica became Runners Up in the 26th Polar Handball Tournament organized by Bangladesh Handball Federation.
Sept 19 to 21: Boys & Girls teams of Senior Campus, Uttara became Champion in the Scholastica Interschool Volleyball Tournament.
Sept 19 to 21: The U-19 Boys team of Senior Campus, Uttara became Runners-up in the Sunbeams Basketball League.
Sept 12 to 14: Shahed Sami, Class XII, Senior Campus, Uttara became the Best Speaker of the Open Grand Final in "16th BDC ACC Pre Worlds 2019".
Sept 5 to 7: The U-18 Boys and Girls team of Senior Campus, Uttara became Champion and Runners-up respectively in the Scholastica Interschool Basketball Tournament hosted by Senior Campus,
Aug 30 and 31: The U-19 Boys team of Senior Campus, Uttara became Champion in the Scholastica Interschool Football Tournament (SIFT) hosted by Senior Campus, Uttara.
Aug 23 and 24: The U-19 Boys team of Senior Campus, Uttara became Champion in the Scholastica Interschool Football tournament (SIFT) hosted by Senior Campus, Mirpur.
Aug 17 to 25: Humayun Morshed, Faculty, Senior Campus Mirpur refereed in the "Asian Senior Men's Central Zone International Volleyball Championship- 2019" in Nepal.
Aug 13: CAIE O' Level and A' Level results 2019.
Aug 03: Mr. B. M. Ashraf Atique, Faculty, Senior Campus, Mirpur won an award under the overseas category from tGELF (the Global Education & Leadership Foundation) of India.
July 28 to Aug 10: Samin Yasar of Class XI from Senior Campus, Uttara represented Bangladesh in the Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) Summer School Program at Yale University, USA.
July 26: Shaheer Ali Khan, Class II Junior Campus, Gulshan won award in Kids' Art Competition organized by Unimart Limited.
July 24 to 31: Kazi Fardeen Ishraq and Jubayer Ibn Hamid from Senior Campus, Mirpur participated in the "Worlds School Debating Championships 2019" (WSDC) as members of the 'National High School
Debate team' in Thailand.
July 20: Mehnova Sumsoon Shithima from Senior Campus, Mirpur was awarded Grand Championship in Aloha Mental Arithmetic International Competition at Guangzhou, China.
July 20: Zayan Zaim Ahmed Chowdhury, Tahmid Jawad Zaman from Junior Campus, Uttara and Md. Sundeed Farzan from Senior Campus, Mirpur became Runners up in Aloha Mental Arithmetic International
Competition at Guangzhou, China.
July 20: Rahim Hasan of Class V from Senior Campus, Uttara achieved the Grand Championship Award in the Aloha Mental Arithmetic Competition held in Guangzhou, China.
July 19 to 22: The A Level Team of Senior Campus, Mirpur became Champions in the "Startup Pith" category at the 'Mastermind Entrepreneur's Conclave 2019'.
July 19 to 21: A team of A Level students from Senior Campus, Uttara secured second position in the 'Business Case and Analytics' category at the 'Mastermind Entrepreneur's Conclave 2019' organized
by Mastermind school.
July 14 to 19: The U-18 Boys Football team of Senior Campus, Mirpur participated at Gothia Cup Football Tournament in Gothenburg, Sweden.
July 4 to 6: The International Relations Club of Senior Campus, Mirpur organized the 'Scholastica Model United Nations Conference 2019'.
To view the announcements during 2018-2019 please click here
June 26 & 29: The Senior Campuses of Mirpur & Uttara hosted the Graduation Ceremony for the A Level students at their respective campuses.
June 25 & 27: Senior Campuses of Mirpur and Uttara hosted the Graduation Ceremony for the O Level students at their respective campuses.
June 23: 8 teachers were recognized for their excellent work during the award ceremony of Excellence in Teaching Award program.
Apr 28: Anam Ibn Hasan of KG II from Junior Campus, Dhanmondi secured 1st position in a 'Painting Competition' from the primary category in the National round of 'Kaler Kontho 3rd National Space Carnival 2018'.
Apr 26: জুনিয়র উত্তরা শাখার দ্বিতীয় শ্রেণির মিউজিক, ড্যান্স ও ড্রামা ক্লাবের শিক্ষার্থীরা বার্ষিক নাটকে সত্যজিৎ রায়ের ‘হীরক রাজার দেশে’ মঞ্চস্থ করে।
Apr 24: A Robotics and Programming workshop was conducted by STEMON BD. at the Senior Campus, Uttara.
Apr 14: Nanjiba Wahid Khan, Class III, Senior Campus, Mirpur achieved 1st Runner up Position (Group B) and was recognized as a 'Star Artist' in Boishakhi Kids Art competition organized
by Faber Castell and Dhaka Regency.
Apr 13: Nanjiba Wahid Khan, Class III, Senior Campus, Mirpur achieved 1st Position (Ka Group) in Bangla Noboborsho-1426, Shishu-Kishore Art Competition organized by Uttara Cultural
Apr 12: Junior Girls Football Team of Senior Campus, Uttara participated in an international level women's football camp organized by Bangladesh Football Federation.
Apr 12: Members of the Dance, Drama and Music Clubs of Classes II to V of Senior Campus, Mirpur staged their annual play 'Moana' at the STM Hall.
Apr 6: 208 students from Scholastica have received awards at the 20th Daily Star O' and A' Level Annual Awards Ceremony for their outstanding results in the May/June 2018 examinations.
Apr 2 to 6: U-10 Boys and Girls teams of Senior Campus, Uttara became Runners Up in the Hurray Wafer School Mini Handball Tournament 2019.
April: All Campuses of Scholastica celebrated its 42nd Foundation Day during the month of April.
Mar 26: Nanjiba Wahid Khan, Class III, Senior Campus, Mirpur achieved 2nd position in the 'Shadhinota Udjapon Art Competition (Ga Section)' arranged by Ronginful Academy.
Mar 26: Scholastica Photography & Media Club of Senior Campus, Mirpur organized the first Scholastica Photography Festival.
Mar 23: Senior Campus, Mirpur hosted "Scholastica Interschool Science Carnival (SISC) 2019".
Mar 23: Scholastica organized the first International Career & College Counseling Conference and International University Fair at Senior Campus, Uttara.
Mar 22 and 23: 22 students Senior Campus, Uttara participated in the Dhaka Model United Nations Conference XII and won awards under different categories including the Best Delegation Award.
Mar 22: Sadman Sakib Hrehan of Class II from Junior Campus, Dhanmondi became the Champion in the 'IQ Olympiad' held at Uttara University.
Mar 22: Two students from Junior Campus, Dhanmondi became Champions in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad, organized by Knowledge World.
Mar 22: Hafsa Bynte Noor Ariba of KG II and Mashrur-Ul-Monsur of Class II from Junior Campus, Dhanmondi secured Champion and 1st Runners-Up positions in the Bangladesh IQ Olympiad organized
by Knowledge world – The Center for development of Knowledge and Excellence.
Mar 18 to 21: Music Club of Senior Campus, Mirpur organized Intra School Music Competition 2019.
Mar 18 to 21: Girls' team of Senior Campus, Uttara became champion in the 'Panama Group Dhaka Metropolis School Volleyball Tournament 2019' by defeating BISC Nirjhar School.
Mar 17: Razin Musbith Monjur of Class II, Junior Campus, Dhanmondi achieved first position in Comic Contest - Art Competition.
Mar 13 to 15: The students of Duke of Edinburgh Club from Senior Campus, Uttara have successfully completed their silver trip to Srimangal, Sylhet.
Mar 1 and 2: The Boys and Girls Volleyball teams of Senior Campus, Uttara, became champions in the Aga Khan Interschool Volleyball Tournament 2019.
Mar 1: Yasin Morshed Hoque of Class I, Junior Campus Dhanmondi secured 1st Runners-Up position in 12th National Level ALOHA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic (Junior Level)
Mar 1: Nine students from Junior Campus, Dhanmondi and Senior Campus, Uttara received awards for different positions in the Aloha Abacus and Mental Arithmetic National Level Competition, held
at International Convention City Basundhara (ICCB).
Mar 1: Three students from Junior Campus, Uttara won Championship and Grand Championship award at the Aloha Bangladesh 12th National Level Abacus & Mental Arithmetic Competition.
March: Sunaira Zaman Aurthy of Class IV, Senior Campus, Mirpur became the Champion in the Group Dance category at TARANA, the National Level Dance Competition organized by BTV.
Feb 23: 3 Students from the Senior Campuses, Mirpur and Uttara won prizes in the 8th Bangla Olympiad at the International Hope School, Bangladesh.
Feb 22 and 23: Scholastica Young Entrepreneurs' and Economists' Forum (SYEEF) of Senior Campus, Mirpur proudly hosted the Scholastica Business Summit II.
Feb 22 and 23: Tanzidur Rahman Nakshatra, Class XI and Abdullah Al Fateen, Class IX of the Senior Boys Team from the Senior Campus, Mirpur became Runners Up in the Doubles category in the DPS
STS Interschool Table Tennis Tournament.
Feb 22 and 23: বিশ্বসাহিত্য কেন্দ্রের বইপড়া প্রতিযোগিতায় সিনিয়র শাখা মিরপুর এর ১৩ জন শিক্ষার্থী ‘স্বাগত’ বিভাগে পুরস্কার লাভ করেছে।
Feb 22: 4 students from the Senior Campuses, Uttara and Mirpur became Champions and the First Runner Up in the Dutch Bangla Bank, Prothom Alo Regional Math Olympiad, 2019 held at Ideal School
and College, Bonosri Branch.
Feb 22: 3 students of Senior Campus, Uttara became champions in the Dutch Bangla Bank, Prothom Alo Regional Math Olympiad 2019.
Feb 21: S. K. Ahnaf Hasan of KG I, Junior Campus Dhanmondi secured 2nd position in the Art competition at Borno Mela organized by the Daily Prothom Alo.
Feb 8 to 12: A team of 7 students from Senior Campus, Mirpur participated and won awards in the International Talent Mathematics Contest (ITMC) 2019 in Thailand.
Feb 7 to 9: Scholastica Inter School Cricket tournament (SICT-2019) was held in Police Staff College Field.
Jan 24 to 26: The Debate Club of Senior Campus, Uttara organized 'Scholastica Inter School Debate Tournament 2019'.
Jan 15: The Under-16 Boys Cricket team of Senior Campus, Mirpur got enlisted with the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) to participate in the 'Prime Bank School Cricket Tournament 2019' of Dhaka
Metro Division.
Jan 11: Nujhat Nowshin Sayan of Class II, Senior Campus Mirpur secured first position in recitation and extempore speech in the "Jainul- Jashim- Al Muti Janmotsav Shishu Kishore Protijogita".
Jan 11 to 14: 35 members of Duke of Edinburgh club of Senior Campus, Uttara went to Meghalaya, India for DOE Gold adventurous trip.
Jan 10 to 12: Five members of the Debate Club, Senior Campus Mirpur received awards in different categories at 'The Aga Khan Interschool Debate Festival' (AIDF '19).
Jan 5: RockInvasion III: RESURRECTION was hosted by Senior Campus, Mirpur.
Dec 17 to 18: 26 members of Duke of Edinburgh club of Senior Campus, Mirpur made their made their adventurous journey to the Base Camp, Gazipur for DOE Bronze Level.
Dec 16 to 18: 117 members of Duke of Edinburgh club of Senior Campus, Mirpur made their made their adventurous journey to Srimangal, Sylhet for DOE Silver Level.
Dec 15 to 22: A team from Senior Campus, Uttara participated in the 13th Community Development Leadership Summit (CDLS) in New Delhi, India.
Dec 15: Zawa Khan Athoi of Class III of the Senior Campus, Mirpur secured 3rd place in Group C in the "Dreamland China" 17th Children Art Competition 2018, organized by BCFC.
Dec 13: The Revelation: An Open Mic session was hosted for the first time by the Spoken Word Club of Senior Campus, Mirpur in December.
Dec 10: Saied Muhammad Zareef Saleh, Class VI student of Senior Campus, Uttara has won first prize in one of the categories of the "Kids for Human Rights" International Drawing Competition,
organized by the United Nations and the Gabarron Foundation.
Dec 8: 17 Scholastica students received awards at the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards Ceremony for their outstanding results in the CAIE 2018 exams.
Dec 6 to 8: The Model United Nations Club of Senior Campus, Uttara organized the fourth session of Scholastica Model United Nations’ Conference in December.
Dec 6: Shafayat Islam Khan of Class III of Senior Campus, Mirpur was awarded the 2nd position in a story telling competition at the Talent Fest 2018, hosted by Knowledgium School
& College.
Dec 4 and 5: Ardee Mohsin of Class II Junior Campus, Uttara won a gold medal in the category of Kumite in the Victory Day Karate Competition, organized by Bangladesh Karate Federation.
Dec 3 and 4: The After School Music, Drama and Dance Clubs of Junior Campus, Gulshan presented their Annual Drama "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".
Dec 2 to 5: A team of students of Class XI from Senior Campus Mirpur won awards in different categories at the 8th International Young Mathematicians’ Convention, IYMC 2018, held in Lucknow,
Nov 9 and 10: U-19 team of Senior Campus, Mirpur became Runners up in the Aga Khan Interschool Football Tournament 2018. Sadman Seraat of Class XII Mirpur was awarded the Top Scorer trophy.
Nov 8 and 9: Senior Campus, Mirpur presented their annual drama Ichchapuran by Rabindranath Tagore.
Nov 1 to 3: The team from Senior Campus, Uttara became Champions and Senior Campus, Mirpur were declared Runners-up in the Scholastica Interschool Cricket Tournament 2018.
Oct 26: 8 students from Senior Campus, Uttara won different positions in 7th English Medium Math Olympiad 2018
Oct 26: 11 students from Senior Campus Mirpur won awards in the '7th English Medium Math Olympiad' organized by Academia School.
Oct 26 to Nov 2: Ardee Mohsin of Class II of Junior Campus, Uttara became the Champion at the 10th Gulshan Youth Club Sports Carnival Karate Competition.
Oct 25 and 26: The Senior Campus, Uttara presented Walt Disney’s famous animation "The Lion King".
Oct 25 to 27: The Boys and Girls teams of Senior Campus, Mirpur won the Championship trophies in the Scholastica Inter School Basketball Tournament 2018.
Oct 20 and 21: A photograph of the Dubai City Skyline, taken by Annaz Mus Sakib, of Class X Senior Campus, Mirpur, was selected as one of the top 10 entries for the “National Young Photography
Fiesta 2018” organized by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.
Oct 14 and 15: Aal Fisher Hadi Showmmo, Class XI student from Senior Campus, Mirpur won the first prize in the "1st International Fine Art Photography Exhibition" organized by Redspot Photography
at Drik Gallery, Dhanmondi.
Oct 13: Zaheen-A-Rahman, Class VIII student of Senior Campus, Uttara achieved 2nd Position in the Bangladesh Physics Olympiad, 2018.
Oct 11: A team from Senior Campus, Mirpur won third place in the Wall Magazine competition of '2nd National Space Camp 2018' hosted by Notre Dame College.
Oct 5: Oishi Rubaina, Faculty, Junior Campus, Dhanmondi attended the Nobel Prize Teacher Summit 2018 in Sweden, as one of the scholarship awardees.
October: Midhat Fariza of Class I, Junior Campus Uttara was awarded as one of the best 10 artists in the International Children Art Festival 2018.
Sept 27 to 29: The teams from Senior Campus Uttara became Runners-Up in the Scholastica Inter-School Volleyball Tournament 2018.
Sept 26: Four students of Senior Campus, Uttara attended the launching ceremony of the nationwide child online safety program organized by UNICEF, Telenor and Grameenphone at the Grameenphone
House, Basundhara.
Sept 21: The Dance Club team of Senior Campus, Uttara, became Runners Up in the St. Joseph Drama and Dance Festival 2018.
Sept 20 to 24: The girl's team of Senior Campus, Uttara became runners-up at the 25th anniversary of Bangladesh Handball Federation School Handball Tournament, held at the National Handball
Sept 20 to 22: Jubayer Ibne Hamid and Kazi Fardeen Ishraq of Class XII, Senior Campus Mirpur received the best speaker and 4th best speaker awards, respectively, at the IUB Ascension 2018.
Sept 13 to 15: The Boys team of Senior Campus, Uttara became Champion at the U-19 Scholastica Inter-School Basketball Tournament 2018.
Sept 8: Md. Shamsur Shafi Nur-E-Aziz, President of Scholastica Science Club, obtained the 1st Position at one of the events of 2nd Nature and Adventure Fest, organized by St. Joseph Higher
Secondary School.
Sept 7 & 8: Senior Campus Mirpur hosted the Scholastica Interschool Football Tournament 2018 at ABPN Field in Uttara.
Aug 16 to 18: Students from Scholastica received awards in different categories including the Best Delegate award in the Bangladesh International Tutorial MUN conference.
Aug 14: CAIE O' Level and A' Level results 2018.
Aug 8 to 12: Scholastica team from Senior Campus, Uttara received awards in the 12th International Cultural Competition Celesta in India.
Aug 4 to 25: Mr. Razoun Siddiky Tohin, University Placement Guidance Counselor from Senior Campus, Mirpur participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) in USA in August
Aug 3: Mohammad Raiyan Aziz of Class IV of Senior Campus Mirpur, became the "Youngest Finisher" in the 'Running with Purpose' event to observe UN International Youth Day's theme of 2018 – Safe
Spaces for Youth.
Aug 3: Zaheen A Rahman of Class VIII, Senior Campus Uttara became the National Level Champion at the 4th Bangladesh Junior Science Olympiad 2018 held at Asia Pacific University, Dhaka.
August: Ishan Shah of Class VIII of Senior Campus Mirpur has received the prestigious Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study scholarship for the academic year 2018-2019.
July 27: Ms. Irfana Samia, Senior Student Counselor of Senior Campus Uttara received an award as one of the pioneer Educational Psychologists in Bangladesh.
July 27: Ahnaf Ajmain of Class III, Senior Campus Mirpur achieved 1st Position (Ka Section) in Speech Competition on "Father of the National Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Historical
Speech of 7th March, 1971" organized by Charu Karu Aungkan Academy.
July 26: Heads of Senior Campus Mirpur and Junior Campus Gulshan attended the National Summit of School Principals held in New Delhi, India.
July 23 to 28: U-16 Boys Football Team of Senior Campus, Mirpur participated in the Dana Cup 2018 in Hjørring, Denmark.
July 22 & 23: Discipline Month commences in Junior Campus, Uttara for Class I & II students.
July 22: 6 students from Junior Campus, Dhanmondi and Senior Campuses, Mirpur & Uttara won the Grand Champion Trophies in the 25th ALOHA Mental Arithmetic International Competition
2018 in Moscow, Russia.
July 20: Scholastica team participated in the National Rally to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Special Olympics.
July 19 to 21: Scholastica Debate team from Senior Campus, Mirpur became champions at the 9th DRMC National Debate Festival 2018.
To view the announcements during 2017-2018 please click here
April : Mir Abdullah Al Rakib of class XI of Senior Campus, Uttara has received a Scholarship to participate in the Yale Young Global Scholars Program to be held in June at Yale University,
Apr 11 : Mashrukur Rahman Khan and Labib Mahid Khan of Class IX of Senior Campus, Uttara were declared champions in the Film Fly Experience Australia Schools Video Competition.
Apr 7 : Students of Senior Campus, Mirpur won awards at the DPS Interschool Swim Meet 2018.
April 3: Zuhayr Mahtab of Class VI, Senior Campus Mirpur achieved the highest scorer position at the British Council Book Reading Competition.
Mar 23 to 24 : Senior campus Uttara hosted the 1st Scholastica Inter-School Theater Festival 2018.
Mar 15 : Senior campus Mirpur hosted 3rd Scholastica Interschool Science Fair 2018.
Mar 8 to 10 : Girls' team of Senior campus Mirpur clinched the Championship title at the Scholastica Interschool Handball Tournament.
Mar 2 : Students of Scholastica Dhanmondi and Uttara campuses became Champions and Runners Up in the ALOHA ABACUS & Mental Arithmetic 11thNational Level Competitions.
Mar 1 to 4 : The U-19 Football Team of Senior campus Mirpur became Champions by defeating the DPS STS team at the DPS STS Football Tournament 2018.
Mar 1 to 2 : Senior Campus Mirpur staged their Annual play 'The Frogs' by Aristophanes.
Feb 23 to 24 : Senior Campus Uttara organized 'Scholastica Science and Technology Fair 2018' for classes III to XII students.
Feb 17 : Samin Rahman of Class VIII, Senior campus Mirpur achieved 2nd position in Mastermind IT Fest 2018.
Feb 16 & 17 : Scholastica Cricket Team (U-16) of Mirpur campus became Runners up at the DPS STS Interschool Cricket Tournament 2018.
Feb 9 to 11 : Scholastica Cricket Team (U-19) of Mirpur campus became champion at the Scholastica Interschool Cricket Tournament 2018.
Feb 3 :
Senior campus, Mirpur hosted the Scholastica Inter-school Olympiad in Informatics 2018 for class VII to XII students.
Feb 2 : Scholastica students became Champion in 'ISD MS Badminton Tournament 2018' in both Singles and Double categories.
Jan 26 to 27 : 72 students from Senior campus, Mirpur made an adventurous trip to the Base Camp, Gazipur as part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Program.
Jan 26 : Ayaan Azmir Rahman of KG I Junior campus, Dhanmondi achieved 2nd position in Group “A” Open Art Competition at the Bulbul Joyonti 2018, organized by Bulbul Lalitakala Academy.
Jan 25 to 28 : Samin Alam of Class XII, Senior campus, Mirpur achieved Top Scorer Trophy in SEMS Football Fest 2018, organized by BAF Shaheen English Medium School.
Jan 25 to 27 : 17 schools participated in the Scholastica Inter-School Debate Tournament 2018, held in Senior campus, Uttara.
Jan 21 : 7 students received Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards for their outstanding achievements in 9 subjects in the O, AS & A Level Examination of May/June 2017.
Jan 19 : Santa Mahapara Labonno Projapoti of class V, Senior campus, Mirpur was awarded 1st Runners Up prize in Dutch Bangla Bank Prothom Alo Math Olympiad.
Jan 19 : Zaheen A Rahman of Class VII, Senior campus Uttara achieved 1st Runners Up award in the regional competition of 16th Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad 2018.
Jan 17 & 18 : Mashrukur Rahman Khan of Class IX and Syed Masrur Tehzib of Class VIII of Senior campus, Uttara participated in 'Peer Guide and Memory Walk' training at the Liberation War
Jan 13 : 11 students from Senior campus, Mirpur received awards in "Shagoto" and "Shuvechcha" categories at the Book Reading Competition 2018 organized by Biswa Shahittya Kendra.
Dec 16 : Nanjiba Wahid Khan of Class II Senior campus, Mirpur achieved 1st position at the Victory Day Art Competition organized by Bulbul Lalitakala Academy.
Dec 9 to 16 : The U-19 Cricket team of Senior campus Uttara participated in the 4th World School Cricket Challenge 2017 in Australia.
Dec 2 to 9 : A team of students from Senior campus Uttara participated in the Community Development Leadership Summit in India.
December 2017 : Ahnaf Ajmain of Class II, Senior campus Mirpur achieved 2nd position in ' Victory Day Art Competition ' organized by Farm Fresh Milk.
December 2017 : G.M. Fateh Qavie and Raad Al Mamun of Class II of Uttara campus won the 1st and 2nd Runners Up awards at Aloha International Competition, held in India.
December 2017 : A team of students from Senior campus Uttara achieved several awards in the Dhaka Summit Model United Nations organized by Lighthouse Imperium Foundation.
Nov 16 : Students from Mirpur campus received awards at the Geography Awareness Week Poster and Video competition, organized by DPS STS School.
Nov 11 : Students from Gulshan campus and Uttara campuses received crests and certificates in the Math Olympiad 2017-18 organized by ACADEMIA.
Nov 10 & 11 : Senior campus Mirpur hosted the Inter-School Business and Economics Summit 2017.
Nov 1 to 4 : Scholastica team became Runners up at the Scholastica International Cricket Tournament 2017.
Oct 27 & 28 : Scholastica Uttara campus presented "The Sound of Music" at Bangladesh National Museum Auditorium.
Oct 20 to 21 : Wasee Rahman Chowdhury of Class X of Senior campus Uttara secured the First position in Green Bee Competition of 8th National Nature Summit 2017, organized by Notre Dame College.
October : Ambreen Manha Haque of Class II of Gulshan campus received first prize in Poem Recitation at the 106th Foundation Day organized by Dhaka Club Limited.
Sept 13 to Oct 4 : Scholastica Intra Futsal League 2017 held at Senior campus, Mirpur.
Sept 14 to 16 : Wasee Rahman Chowdhury of Class X of Uttara campus received the highest number of awards in 1st Nature and Adventure Fest 2017 organized by St. Joseph Higher Secondary School.
Sept 9 : Ardee Mohsin of Class I Uttara campus achieved 3rd position in 37th Karate-Do Goju-Kai Singapore KGS International Championship 2017.
Sept 7 : Scholastica teams received International Theater Excellency Award and International Dance Excellency Award for their performance at the 25th anniversary of International Amateur
Theatre Association Festival, held in India.
Aug 29 : A team from Senior campus, Uttara visited different areas in Netrokona to distribute relief material to flood victims.
Aug 19 to 22 : A team of six students from Mirpur campus attended the 5th Reflections International held in India.
Aug 17 to 19: Wasee Rahman Chowdhury of Class X, Uttara campus achieved 1st position in Nature Olympiad in 10th ISTARC Science and Technology Festival 2017, organized by Ideal School and College, Dhaka.
Aug 11 to 13 : Scholastica hosted Scholastica Model United Nations Conference 2017 in Mirpur campus.
Aug 10 : CIE O' Level and A' Level results 2017.
August : Md. Hasan Chowdhury from Senior campus Mirpur was selected as the Finalist in the Overseas School Primary Category of tGELF’s The Education Prize 2017 in India.
July 31 : 'মেধা ও মনন, চল করি অন্বেষণ' অনলাইন বাংলা রচনা প্রতিযোগিতার বিজয়ীদের মধ্যে পুরস্কার বিতরণ করা হয়েছে ।
July 24 to 28 : Nayara Noor E Fatima of Class XII of Uttara campus achieved 15th Best Speaker Award in the 4th Asia World Schools Debating Championship in Thailand.
July 2017 : four students from Dhanmondi campus and Senior campus, Uttara received awards in different level at the ALOHA Mental Arithmetic International Competition, held in Malaysia.
To view the announcements during 2016-2017 please click here
12 April : Aniqa Nawar of Class VII of Mirpur campus received award for being the highest scorer at the British Council Book Reading Competition.
7 and 8 April : Scholastica Boys and Girls teams of Uttara campus became champions at the 9th Sister Imelda Memorial Inter-school Volleyball Tournament 2017, organized by Green Herald School.
6 and 7 April : Scholastica Girls' team of Uttara campus won the champions trophy at 4th Scholastica Inter-school Handball Tournament 2017.
Apr 2017 : The Daily Star Imagine –Write Creatively workshop at Scholastica.
Mar 2017 : The Daily Star Imagine - Write Creatively workshop at Scholastica.
25 and 26 March : Senior campus, Uttara team won the Champions’ trophy at the Scholastica Interschool Cricket Tournament 2017, organized by Senior campus, Mirpur of Scholastica.
25 March : Wasee Rahman Chowdhury of Class IX of Uttara campus secured the 4th place in the national round of Bangladesh Astronomy Olympiad 2017, organized by Bangladesh Astronomy Association.
18 March : 4 Scholastica students were honored at the 18 Daily Star Annual Award ceremony for ranking among the world’s and country’s top scorers in their subjects.
17 & 18 March : Boys U-16 Cricket Team from Uttara became champion in DPS-STS Inter-school Cricket Tournament 2017.
10 to 11 March : Senior Campus Uttara team became champion in the BIT 1st Principal Cup Volleyball Tournament 2017, held in BIT Uttara Campus.
8 to 11 March : Senior Campus Uttara team attained the runner-up trophy in JDC Eloquence - Battle of Words 2017, a National level Debate Competition organized by Saint Joseph Higher Secondary
28 February : Ashfia Islam of class VI and Izma Anowar of class X, Senior Campus Uttara achieved 1st positions in JCI Art Competition - Battle with the Brush in category B and C.
22 to 25 February : U19 Football team of Senior Campus Mirpur became champion in the ITHS Super Cup 2017, organized by Int’l Turkish Hope School.
18 February : Two students from Senior campus, Mirpur received second prizes in Essay Writing and Music at the 6th Inter School Bangla Olympiad, organized by Int’l Turkish Hope School.
16 to 18 February : Senior campus, Mirpur team secured the third place for the Best Delegation Award at the DPSMUN, held at Delhi Public School, Uttara.
10 to 11 February : The Girls Handball Team of Senior campus, Mirpur won the championship trophy at the Scholastica Interschool Handball Tournament.
6 to 7 February : Imaan Seraphine Islam Rahim of Class XI, Senior campus Mirpur became champion in the Science Olympiad, organized by North South University, Dhaka.
10 to 17 December : Jawad Rashid, Class XI of Senior campus, Mirpur received Highest Scorer award among the first XI category at World Schools Cricket Challenge 2016 in Australia.
27 November : Six students from Scholastica received award in different categories at the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award Ceremony, jointly organized by CIE and British Council.
25 to 27 November : A team from Scholastica Senior campus, Uttara became champion in Street Blenders, Harmony 2016 organized by The Global Education & Leadership Foundation (tGELF) in India.
25 to 26 November: Students from Scholastica Senior campus, Mirpur achieved the championship trophy and other awards at the Victory Day Badminton Tournament, organized by Turkish Hope School.
24 to 26 November: The U-16 team of Scholastica Senior campus, Mirpur became champion at the Sunbeams Super Cup 2016.
18 to 20 November: The U-19 team of Scholastica Senior campus, Uttara became champion in the Scholastica Interschool Cricket Tournament 2016.
3 to 5 November: Scholastica Boys Football teams became champion in U-16 & U-19 categories and Girls Football teams became runners up in U-14 & U-19 categories in The Aga Khan Interschool Football
Tournament 2016.
27 and 28 October: Scholastica Boys Football team and Boys Handball team became champion in the Sunbeams Super Cup (Junior) 2016 Tournament.
27 and 28 October: Senior students of Senior campus, Uttara presented the Bangla version of ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell at STM Hall.
18 and 19 October: Senior campus, Mirpur received the Participation Award for its enthusiastic participation in the Sheikh Russel School Table Tennis Tournament 2016.
6 and 7 October: Boys and Girls Volleyball Team of Senior Campus, Uttara won the Champion Trophy of Scholastica Interschool Volleyball Tournament (SIVT) 2016.
1 October: Samreen Mehek of Senior campus, Mirpur achieved Best Delegate award for “Destination UN 2016” organized by Bangladesh MUN Council.
29 September to 1 October:: Basketball Boys Team of Senior Campus, Uttara won the Champion Trophy of Scholastica Interschool Basketball Tournament (SIBT) 2016.
27 September: Tasnia Rahman of Class II, Senior campus Mirpur achieved certificate for scoring 100 out of 100 in ALOHA Mental Arithmetic Level one competition.
23 to 27 September: Scholastica hosts specialized training for teachers and supervisors, conducted by Global Education and Leadership Foundation and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.
23 to 25 September: Radiah Riana Mushfiq, Md Irfan Rahman and Mirza Raiyan Abdullah of Senior campus, Mirpur achieved Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in “Korea Cup” Taekwondo Championships 2016, organized
by the Korean Embassy and Bangladesh Taekwondo Federation.
23 to 25 September: Mirza Raiyan Abdullah of Senior campus, Mirpur achieved Bronze medal in “Korea Cup” Taekwondo Championships 2016, organized by the Korean Embassy and Bangladesh Taekwondo Federation.
22 September: Senior campus, Uttara team became champion in group dance category of Josephite Cosplay & Drama Festival, organized by Saint Joseph School.
8 to 11 September: A group of 8 students from Senior campus, Uttara achieved trophies in the 11th Celesta International Cultural Competition 2016, held in Lucknow, India.
August: Tishma Rhine Joarder and Ryan Farhab received awards at the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition.
25 to 27 August: Scholastica wins Model United Nations Best Delegation Award.
11 to 14 August: Ms. Ayesha Parveen, Teacher of Senior campus Uttara was awarded a "Special Mention" of The Education Prize 2016 organized by The Global Education & Leadership Foundation, India.
11 August: CIE O' Level, A' Level and AS Level results 2016
July 2016: Arslan Mehmud and Tahmid Jawad Zaman of Junior campus, Uttara became Champion and 1st Runners up at the Aloha Mental Arithmetic International Competition, held in Indonesia.
26 to 30 July: The Under-14 Football Team from Senior Campus, Mirpur participated in the Dana Cup 2016 in Denmark.
21 to 23 July: Abrar Farhan Zaman of Class XII achieved the Best Novice Speaker award at the WSDC Format Debate Tournament held at Independent University, Bangladesh.
17 to 24 July: Wasee Rahman Chowdhury of Class IX, Senior campus Uttara participated in 27th International Biology Olympiad in Hanoi, Vietnam.
17 to 24 July: The Boys’ Football team from Senior campus, Mirpur participated in Gothia Cup Youth Soccer Tournament 2015 in Sweden.
14 to 16 July: Eight students from Senior campus, Mirpur were awarded on different categories at the Bangladesh Model United Nations (BANMUN) 2016, organized by Adamjee Cantonment Public School
and College, Dhaka.
27 June to 2 July: U-16 Football team from Senior campus, Uttara participated in the Barcelona Summer Cup 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.
To view the announcements during 2015-2016 please click here
24 to 26 June: A group of seven students from Senior campus, Mirpur attended Daly College Chapter MUN 2016 in Indore, India.
21 to 22 June: Graduation Ceremony for O’ Level and A’ Level graduates were held in both Uttara and Mirpur campuses.
13 to 16 June: A group of class XII students from Senior campus, Mirpur attended Singapore Model United Nations Conference.
Jubayer Ibn Hamid from Scholastica is one of the 5 debaters who will be representing the national team at the World Schools Debating Championship 2016 in Stuttgart, Germany.
14 May: Scholastica Basketball Team became champion in DISA/ISD Middle School Boys’ Basketball Tournament 2016 held in ISD.
6 May: Scholastica performed ‘Ekattorer Khudiram’ at the ‘Jatiya Shishu Kishor Nattya Utshob’ at Shilpakala Academy.
April: Scholastica celebrates 39th Foundation day.
April: Scholastica celebrates Bangla New Year.
9 April: Science Fair held for the students of Class II to IV of Senior campus, Mirpur.
2 April: Science Fair held for the students of Class I & II of Junior campus, Uttara.
March: Scholastica students achieved positions and medals in the Aloha National Competition and 7th Roller Skating Championship 2016.
17 and 18 March: Class III to VII students of Senior campus, Uttara presented annual drama ‘Ekattorer Khudiram’ by Mannan Hira.
11 to 13 March: Wasi Rahman Chowdhury of Class VIII became one of the champions in the 2nd National Biology Olympiad, held at National Institute of Biotechnology.
10 to 12 March: Tahrima Saiha Haq of Senior campus, Uttara became Champion in the BRAC Bank ‘Great Gender Debates’ at BRAC University.
6 March: Ten Scholastica students were awarded for achieving highest marks in different subjects in the world and in the country at the Daily Star 17th O’ & A’ Levels Awards Presentation Ceremony.
4 and 5 March: Scholastica team from Senior campus, Mirpur became Runners Up at the Scholastica Interschool Cricket Tournament 2016.
4 March: Two Class VIII students from Senior campus, Uttara became champion in the doubles category at the DISA/AISD Middle School Badminton Tournament.
4 March: Scholastica team from Senior campus, Mirpur achieved third position at the Kokomo Dhaka Metropolitan School Table Tennis Tournament 2016 organized by Mohammedan Sporting Club Ltd.
26 February: Scholastica Girls and Boys team became champions at the 3rd Scholastica Interschool Handball Tournament 2016.
24 to 27 February: Scholastica U-16 team from Senior campus, Mirpur became Runners Up in the Interschool Football Tournament organized by International Turkish Hope School, Dhaka.
13 February: Abiba Imam Dyuti, Class VIII received second prize in Poem Recitation category in 5th Inter- School Bangla Olympiad organized by International Turkish Hope School.
26 February: Scholastica Girls and Boys team became champions at the 3rd Scholastica Interschool Handball Tournament 2016.
25 to 27 February: Scholastica Boys team became Runners Up at the ITS Soccer Tournament 2016 organized by International Turkish Hope School.
25 to 27 February: Abrar Farhan Zaman of Class XI was selected as the Rapporteur (Director) of Indian International Model United Nations, Bangladesh 2016, held in Dhaka.
18 to 20 February: Scholastica students achieved awards at the Scholastica Interschool Debate Tournament 2016.
13 February: Two students of Class III achieved first and second position respectively at the Music Competition organized by International Turkish Hope School.
12 and 13 February: Scholastica Boys and Girls team became champions at the Aga Khan Interschool Volleyball Tournament 2016.
12 and 13 February: Six students from Mirpur campus participated in the Green Inspiration Season 2 – International Nature Summit 2016 organized by Notre Dame College, Dhaka.
4 to 6 February: Senior campus, Uttara hosted the Scholastica MUN Conference.
January: Scholastica First Term Newsletter 2015-2016.
29 to 30 January: Scholastica became Champion at the Scholastica Inter-School Science Fair 2016.
16 January: In association with Scholastica Cooking Club, the school episode of Rupchanda, The Daily Star Super-Chef Competition was held at Senior Campus, Uttara.
15 and 16 January: A group of 67 students from Mirpur campus made an adventurous tour as a part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Bronze level.
15 January: 15 students received award in three categories and a special prize ‘Sera Pathok’ by the Biswa Shahitto Kendra.
30 December: Interview of Principal, Senior campus, Uttara in Daily Kaler Kontho.
23 December: Scholastica hosts ‘Inspiring Women’ a program supported by British MP Tulip Siddiq.
16 to 20 December: A group of six students attended the World Peace Festival, CONFLUENCE 2015 in India.
12 to 19 December: Under 16 Cricket Team achieved awards in various categories at the World Schools Cricket Challenge in Australia.
10 to 20 December: Scholastica U-16 Cricket team is participating in the World School Cricket Challenge 2015, Australia.
9 to 12 December: A group of nine students from Senior Campus, Mirpur is attending the 2nd International Environment Olympiad 2015 (IEO) in India.
5 December: Students of Senior campus, Uttara received awards for accomplishing different levels of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award program.
28 to 30 November: A group of nine students from Mirpur campus attended Harmony 2015 – Co creating Tomorrow in India.
27 November: Raihan Musa of Class VIII won silver medal and the ‘Best Player of the Tournament’ award at the DPS-STS Inter School Chess Tournament 2015.
22 November: American Noble Prize-winner Dr. Harold Eliot Varmus visited Senior campus, Mirpur.
21 to 29 November: A team of five students from Senior campus, Uttara are participating at the Community Development Leadership Summit (CDLS) 2015 in India.
20 November: Scholastica U-15 Boys team won the ISD Middle School Football Tournament.
19 to 22 November: Senior campus, Mirpur staged ‘Baker Street Irregularities’ at STM Hall, Mirpur.
19 to 21 November: Scholastica team became champion at the Scholastica Interschool Cricket Tournament.
19 to 20 November: Senior campus, Uttara staged ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ at STM Hall, Uttara.
14 to 16 November: Scholastica team attended Yadavindra Public School Model United Nations’ Conference 2015 in India.
12 to 14 November: Scholastica Mirpur Girls’ team clinched the championship trophy at the Scholastica Interschool Handball Tournament.
25 to 28 October: Scholastica U16 Boys Basketball Team participated at the EXSPO-2015 in India.
23 October: Scholastica team became champion in the Girls’ Under 17 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament organized by Bangladesh Basketball Federation.
23 October: Scholastica students won medals for different positions in the DISA/ISD Swim Meet.
16 to 17 October: Scholastica Boy’s Handball Team clinched the Championship trophy at the Sunbeams Super Cup Handball 2015.
15 to 17 October: Scholastica students completed an adventurous journey for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Program.
15 to 17 October: Scholastica Boys and Girls team clinched the Championship Trophy for their victory in different categories at the 5th ITF JTI Inter School Tennis Tournament 2015.
October: Scholastica team members became Champion in all the Singles, Doubles and Team events in the DPS STS Inter School Table Tennis Tournament.
5 to 7 October: A team of eight students from Senior Campus, Mirpur are participating at the Model United Nations Conference in India.
19 September: Students of different age group from Senior Campus, Mirpur won medals in different categories at the AISD/DISA Swim Meet
17 to 19 September: 16 school and college teams from Dhaka and Chittagong attended the Scholastica Inter School Basketball Tournament 2015
September: Ulviya Narmin Hoque Chisty of Class VIII has been selected as one of the Top 10 Performers in the National Dance Competition.
10 to 12 September: Scholastica Boys team and AISD Girls team became champions at the Scholastica Inter School Volleyball Tournament 2015.
31 August: H.E. Mr. Hari Kumar Shreshtha visited Senior Campus, Mirpur
13 to 14 August: Maruf Zubery of Senior Campus, Uttara received award as 'Best Upcoming Delegate' at the Sri Lanka Model United Nations Conference 2015, held in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
11 to 14 August: Ms. Rashna Rafique, Faculty of Senior Campus, Mirpur received award at the Global Education & Leadership Foundation program, held in Delhi, India.
11 August: CIE O' Level, A' Level and AS Level results 2015
7 August: A team from Senior Campus, Uttara became Champions in the Group Presentation Competition at the 1st Nairong International Students Conference 2015, held in Bangkok, Thailand.
4 to 7 August: Six students from Uttara campus went to attend the 1st Nairong Student Conference in Thailand.
1 August: Maruf Zubery of Senior Campus, Uttara was awarded the 'Best Delegate' at the Bangladesh Model United Nations Conference (BANMUN) 2015, which was held at Adamjee Cantonment Public School & College.
29 July to 1 August: Eighty students from Uttara campus attended the Bangladesh Model United Nations (BANMUN) Conference at Adamjee Cantonment Public School and College.
20 to 25 July: U-15 Boys Team from Uttara participated in the Dana Cup Football Tournament 2015 in Denmark.
17 to 23 July: Boys Team from Uttara campus participated in the Gothia Cup Youth Soccer Tournament 2015 in Sweden.
28 June to 4 July: Two Teams from Mirpur campus participated in the Partille Cup Handball Tournament 2015 in Sweden.
To view the announcements during 2014-2015 please click here
25 to 27 June: Scholastica Inter School Debate Tournament (SIDT) 2015 was held at Senior Campus, Uttara.
1 June: Eight students of Uttara campus received Gold Award for completing the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Program 2013-14.
June: Ryan Farhab of Class IX (Uttara campus) selected as the Ambassador of Bangladesh Model United Nations (BANMUN) Conference.
June: Graduation Ceremony for O' Level and A' Level graduates were held in both Uttara and Mirpur campuses.
May: Wasee Rahman Chowdhury of Class VII became one of the winners in the National High School Programming Contest, organized by the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology.
7 May: Scholastica presents "Jack and His Amazing Multi-Coloured Beanstalk"
3 May: Samreen Mehak of Class VII received award for 'Outstanding Achievement' in Creative Writing Competition 2014 at British Council
April: 'Gone Girl' short story written by Tahseen Reza of Class X won Article of the Month in the BOP Journal, an online magazine portal.
April: Scholastica Boys Scout team won awards in three categories at the 20th Thailand National Jamboree.
4 April: Nine students of the Mirpur Boys' Scouts team went to the 20th International Scout Jamboree in Vajiravudh National Scout Camp, Sriracha, Chonburi, Thailand organized by The National Scout Organization of Thailand.
April: Ms. Moumita Alam, Sports Teacher retained the National Table Tennis Champion title for the second consecutive year. She won Gold Medals in all four events at the 35th National Table Tennis Tournament.
28 March: 137 students were awarded for their achievement in O' and A' Level examinations 2014 at the Daily Star Award Ceremony.
20-21 March: Tahrima Saiha Huq of Class XI was awarded "Best Speaker of the Tournament" in a three way tie with two other speakers at the Summerfield International School Debate Fest 2015.
February: Wafiya Ahmed Khan of Class IV won the third position in Group A at the BTV Dance Competition "Tarana".
27-28 February: Scholastica students secured positions at the Inter-School Science Fair 2015, jointly organized by Scholastica, Bangladesh Freedom Foundation (BFF) and the Daily Somokal
26-28 February:Scholastica Girls Handball team won the Champion trophy of 2nd Scholastica-Dettol Inter-School Handball Tournament 2015.
27 November: Seven Scholastica students were awarded at the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award Ceremony for achieving outstanding results in O' and A' Levels in Bangladesh.
20-21 November:Senior Section Uttara students presented their school play "Projapati"
19-21 November: Scholastica Red team became Champion at the Scholastica Interschool Boys Cricket Tournament 2014
17-20 November: Scholastica students attended Vivek High School Model United Nations, Chandigarh, India
4 November: Scholastica Inter School Basketball Tournament 2014, organized by Scholastica Senior campus in Uttara
11-13 September: Scholastica Girls' Volleyball team became Champion in Scholastica Inter School Volleyball Tournament 2014, organized by Scholastica Senior campus in Uttara
10-13 September: Scholastica Under 13 and Under 16 Football teams became Champions in Mother Euphrasie Barbier Memorial Interschool Boy's Football Tournament 2014, organized by S.F.X. Greenherald International School
23-26 August: Scholastica Team awarded at the 6th Odyssey International 2014 in India
13-16 August: Scholastica Team participates at the Harvard Model United Nation 2014 in India
To view the announcements during 2013-2014 please click here