![]() "Running with Purpose" UN International Youth Day Event |

Student Life
We try to make life in Scholastica fun, educational and productive for students, while developing their skills beyond academics. We do this in numerous ways-community service projects, science fairs, leadership opportunities, international trips and sports competitions. Additional programs for older students, such as Boy Scouts and the Duke of Edinburgh Award program, encourage our students to broaden their horizons and build leadership skills. Learn more about the full range of our activities and programs through the links on this page.
Community Service and Leadership
Scholastica students participate and organize different community service projects such as organizing special drives to collect food or warm clothing for the underprivileged, fundraisers for worthy causes and other activities that contribute and support community organizations on a regular basis.
To instill the value of caring and sharing in our students, each campus has partnered with individual organization, with the belief that through volunteer activities within the community, our students will be empowered with responsibility, compassion and will get an opportunity to affect the lives of others. The organizations with whom Scholastica campuses are partnering are: Ariel - a preschool for underprivileged students in Rayer Bazaar, Abinta Kabir Foundation, Choice to Change, Dhaka Ahsania Mission’s school for underprivileged children and Obhizatrik Foundation.
Leadership opportunities in Scholastica are numerous-students may be selected for the Prefect program, or may be asked to work with faculty and management to organize different events on campus. Students regularly take leadership roles in after-school clubs, sports teams and other extra-curricular activities like the Scouts Program and Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.
Scholastica has also partnered with The Global Education and Leadership Foundation (tGELF), India to offer an unique leadership curriculum for older students, starting in Class VII and VIII. This curriculum is delivered once a week by Class Teachers during homeroom period and helps to raise awareness and skills for ethical leadership.
After-School Activity
After-school activities provide students with the opportunity to explore their interests and develop their skills in enjoyable learning spaces that foster students’ curiosity, creativity, collaboration and character development. Students from KGII to Class XII are encouraged to participate in after-school activities in order to discover their talents, explore their passions, enrich their student experience, and lay the foundation for future careers, pursuits and dreams.
The School Day
At Scholastica, the day starts with assembly or homeroom period (for Class I onwards). This is a time for students to reaffirm their national pride by singing the school anthem and raising the Bangladeshi flag, to restate their commitment to be responsible citizens of their school and community, and also to listen to announcements and news, celebrate achievements or participate in short events. Homeroom period is a time for Class Teachers to conduct activities that build team-spirit, teach discipline, counsel students on various issues, develop leadership skills, raise awareness of current affairs and the world, and also build healthy relationships among the students.
For Playgroup and Nursery, students spend most of the day with their Class Teachers in fun and educational activities.
For KGI onwards, every lesson is 40 minutes long, and the number of periods in a day varies from class to class. Younger students have one short break in the day, while older students also have a lunch break. The breaks are time for students to take refreshment and spend time with friends.
The after school hours are the time for after-school club meetings, sports team practices, rehearsals for various events, and opportunities to meet teachers or members of the management for individual support.Sometimes, such activities as sports team practices and rehearsals or events are also held on weekends, with prior intimation and consent of parents.
Sometimes, such activities as sports team practices and rehearsals, or events are also held on weekends, with prior intimation and consent of parents.
Health and Wellness
Scholastica believes in nurturing student's wellbeing by helping them to understand and deal with social, behavioral and personal issues. Both the larger campuses have Student Counselors who hold confidential counseling sessions with students to help them in their personal or academic affairs. The Student Counselors also consult and interact with parents, teachers and administrators in order to help students be successful in the education system and be settled in their personal lives.
The Student Affairs unit also regularly conducts awareness programs and briefings with students, teachers and parents on healthy lifestyles, and a range of social and personal issues that relate to children and adolescents.
Both the larger campuses in Uttara and Mirpur have full-time nurses who look after students who are unwell or injured. They communicate with parents, administer first aid, and even take students to nearby hospitals if deemed necessary. In the junior and middle campuses, a few teachers and administrative personnel have undergone First Aid Certification courses and are on hand to administer first aid when necessary.
In addition, we run regular briefing session with all members of our faculty on all campuses on basic first aid and health issues.